posted : Monday, December 09, 2013
Yes i did it today and i am glad because i am making the right choice.
The meeting today made me realized that what i did was correct, there is no reason for me to stay. Although i did it by listening to words that hurt and bring me down but i guess thats what i have to go through to get out. I was angry at first because i felt cheated, unfair and misunderstood. I do not understand why people can be that cold and mean. But i guess its common as this is the real working world. Everyone do things that benefit themselves. When i no longer holds any value i will only get that much. By deciding to leave my company i dropped my value to zero but its ok i never have much to start with. I know that by leaving, people will think that i could not handle it because of my incompetency and my character which is just not good enough for this challenging career. But i believe there is more to it. I believe i am more that what people see because i know myself better than the others. They will never know what is going though my mind and heart. Thus whatever comments and thoughts about me should not be valid because only I can tell myself if i am good or bad. No matter what sarcasm and crude comments you say it will never get to me anymore. 'Anymore' is because it did get to me before but not anymore. Oh well, everything happens for a reason, the future is unknown and i am sure its gonna be exciting and challenging no matter if its a bright future or not. From today onward it will be a brand new chapter and i will make sure it will be a happy one! Cheers to loving myself more! |
posted : Tuesday, December 03, 2013
Step out. I need to take that step now.
It is actually not as scary as i think. Everyone says the problem lies with me and i could not agree more. So i guess i have to do something about my life now and that is to not look back at my past and step out of it. Guess i just have to move forward to another place. I am not saying that i will move to a better place because it might not be a better place. But what i need now is to move and it will not matter where. I mean Rapunzel have no idea whether the world outside her tower is good or bad but she still took that leap of faith. I guess i need that kind of courage as well. The more you hesitate before your bungee jump the more you won't jump right? Don't look down, just go now. Don't be scare of such a small thing, life is much bigger than that. Stop thinking, stop worrying. Follow your heart and tell your brain to shut up! From this moment onward my life is going to change for the better. I will be happy. Bye to my past. I will embrace you when i become better but for now i have to lock you up. |
posted : Friday, November 15, 2013
Why do I have to crave for food so much? Why must I crave for food every night at 12 midnight? And why is it that I lose my self control and gave in to my sinful cravings? Every night I eat so muchhhh!Boohoo i am gaining weight like crazy. I know it's because my period is coming that's why.. Why must we girls go through all this?
Day 4 of bikram Most tiring day of yoga by far. Guess its because the class is small and the teacher pays attention to each of us and so I pushed my self very hard today. Which is good but I panting throughout the class. Appointment for tomorrow canceled. So sad. It was a close case appointment, but suddenly he wanna re-consider. Sadded much. Mom is back from Bali and I want to go there too! :( |
posted : Thursday, November 14, 2013
My fear of height makes "Jack the giant slayer" a movie that i felt difficult to watch. It was of such pain to see them climb up and down those beanstalks. I was so worried and start to think of the possibility of them falling. And its so high up omg, what if i climb halfway and decided that i'm tired and wanna quit? Or what if halfway up i just have the urge to let go of my grip? Oh no... its scary. I swear if theres a magic beanstalk i will never ever climb it. I won't even go near it because we just cannot win the giants. >.> Unless there's some chemical weapon or atomic bomb.
Day 3 of Bikram! Did all the 26 poses and tried my best to hold as long as possible but of cause all my poses is not even close to perfection. Most of the poses i'm still at the beginner phase -.-! Except dead man pose maybe. LOL. Bikram is tiring but it feels so freaking good when i see my sweat drip down from my chin because i know i'm working my body! Can't wait to see my body change everyday because it feels so good to look into the mirror and realized i can go deeper and hold longer in my posture than yesterday. It is amazing how our body improves in just one practice, even though its not a huge improvement but still you know everyday that you are nearer and nearer to your goal! So the thing to do is don't stop practicing for the love of yoga! Keep calm and keep practicing! Namaste. |
posted : Wednesday, November 13, 2013
A long aching but happy day
Went appointment with a senior today and learnt a brand new thing! Fruitful appointment :), can't wait to learn more. Appointment ends at 2 and then I head to office and submit two cases. After submitting the two cases it is shopping time! Went shopping with Debbie at Far East and vivo city and I only managed to buy a top and a skirt from MDS. But my most fruitful event today is my Day 2 of Bikram! I woke up with muscle aches all over my body but I still force myself to go! It's only day 2 I hope I can persevere and go everyday for 30 days! After yoga, I reached home at 11.30 and I'm feeling so hungry so I went ahead and had some cereals but I still crave for food... So.... I made kimchi pancake(S)! Omg sinful shit. Burnt calories at yoga but gain it right back once I reach home. -________-" My bad. Ok tomorrow onwards I must eat clean! Add oil! Erm not add oil to my diet, add oil as in jia you... Cheers :) |
posted : Tuesday, November 12, 2013
posted : Monday, November 11, 2013
I finally stepped out of my comfort zone today! Even though it is just a baby step but to me it means a lot, especially at this period of time. Been feeling so lazy, tired and lethargic recently and the only thing that i love to do is to rot at home. So it is actually a huge step for me by going for yoga and I have to travel more than an hour for it!
Yay, i'm happy! Hope i can continue to go and not stop half way. I can't stop, at least for this month. I signed up for one month unlimited Bikram yoga at Habourfront centre. It cost me $363. I better make full use of my money! I went for yoga at 5pm and was thinking of having a healthy dinner. But end up i had Korean food with Wanqing and Valerie at Manna story. It is so sinful but so delicious. T_T Went back to do tele with the girls after dinner. |
posted :
It feels great reading back my old entries. It was like i am going back to my past through a time machine. But now I am feeling upset that i have not updated for 2 years, i am missing out on a lot of things in 2012 and 2013.
I felt that it is time i should blog again because the fun part of having a blog is being able to read your own history. Thus i am doing the future me a favor by blogging so i can have a good time reading in future :)!
So here's a summary of 2012-2013:
I am not going to elaborate because it will be painful to read.
But i promise that from this day onward i must be happy! I wanna go back to the old me. The girl that can laugh non-stop. The girl who think that the world is a beautiful place filled with beautiful people.
I must kick this low self esteem me out of my body!
Measures i am going to take:
Since yoga can heal my inner and outer self, i reckoned why not give it a try. I know it is gonna be a long process and it will also be painful in the process but i hope it will help me. I really wanna to live the motto of 'Keep Calm'! Hope yoga calms me down!
I will be going for Bikram yoga since i heard it helps a little bit in weight loss too :D!
posted : Sunday, March 27, 2011
Oh wow examinations is in less than 2 months and I am here wasting a few hours of my time doing up this post! And whats worst when this post was about something that happened in January? I decided to do up this post now is because i need some time off, keep myself away from my books for a while. Anyway this post is about my 'birthday' celebration this year, its actually after my birthday so i'll say it is like a belated one. But i felt that it feels more like a gathering that night for me and i love it. Went Butter that night(22.01.2011) with some really awesome people and had lots of fun dancing in the super crowded dance floor! Heres the pics! ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() ![]() Now, back to mugging! Labels: Butter Factory |
posted : Wednesday, March 02, 2011
posted : Saturday, February 26, 2011
Sent from my iPhone |