posted : Thursday, November 14, 2013
My fear of height makes "Jack the giant slayer" a movie that i felt difficult to watch. It was of such pain to see them climb up and down those beanstalks. I was so worried and start to think of the possibility of them falling. And its so high up omg, what if i climb halfway and decided that i'm tired and wanna quit? Or what if halfway up i just have the urge to let go of my grip? Oh no... its scary. I swear if theres a magic beanstalk i will never ever climb it. I won't even go near it because we just cannot win the giants. >.> Unless there's some chemical weapon or atomic bomb.
Day 3 of Bikram! Did all the 26 poses and tried my best to hold as long as possible but of cause all my poses is not even close to perfection. Most of the poses i'm still at the beginner phase -.-! Except dead man pose maybe. LOL. Bikram is tiring but it feels so freaking good when i see my sweat drip down from my chin because i know i'm working my body! Can't wait to see my body change everyday because it feels so good to look into the mirror and realized i can go deeper and hold longer in my posture than yesterday. It is amazing how our body improves in just one practice, even though its not a huge improvement but still you know everyday that you are nearer and nearer to your goal! So the thing to do is don't stop practicing for the love of yoga! Keep calm and keep practicing! Namaste. |