posted : Monday, November 11, 2013
I finally stepped out of my comfort zone today! Even though it is just a baby step but to me it means a lot, especially at this period of time. Been feeling so lazy, tired and lethargic recently and the only thing that i love to do is to rot at home. So it is actually a huge step for me by going for yoga and I have to travel more than an hour for it!
Yay, i'm happy! Hope i can continue to go and not stop half way. I can't stop, at least for this month. I signed up for one month unlimited Bikram yoga at Habourfront centre. It cost me $363. I better make full use of my money! I went for yoga at 5pm and was thinking of having a healthy dinner. But end up i had Korean food with Wanqing and Valerie at Manna story. It is so sinful but so delicious. T_T Went back to do tele with the girls after dinner. |