posted : Monday, November 12, 2007
I hate November. All the bullshits keep happening to me and i hate it so much. I regret for one million times but i can't undo what is done. I feel sick and tired, why can't my life be happier? Life is so meaningless for me at this moment. Theres is nothing for me to look forward to every single day. Just eat and sleep and eat and sleep. I envy alot of people.. I wanna be like them.. I know they may have their own problems but i hate my problems now. And my problems cant be solve. Cause my problems is feeling meaningless and regretful.. I find life meaningless and im regreting what i have done. I wan to feel happier, i wan to feel that im useful, im needed. I hate being alone! Im feeling so lonely and empty. I hate November.. Especially at night.. Knowing that i have to go to school early in the morning makes me sad. Ya people will say going to sch is not a problem, school is fun and meaningful.. But i dont feel good in school.. Argh i dont know, i hate hate hate hate myself! I miss the old me, the old days. I miss the naive and blur me. I miss the days when im carefree and happy.. Im so so so down now. No one can help me.. I hate the feeling of being neglected...