posted : Friday, June 01, 2007
Was late for school today, woke up at 8.15pm when im having lesson at 9am -.-. Only managed to reach at 9.17am and think Ms Lau was quite upset about me being late cause its my second time. Hopefully she mark me present, but she said she will mark me absent T_T.. When im in class some of my classmate say i look different, they say i didn't put on make up and i look pale. Fellicia even say my eyes look smaller! lol.. Which is true.. I pined up my hair too and they say i look older with my hair pined up =( Like getting married (comments by CH) Boooo. But today i had lots of fun teasing CH. Teasing him about his hair =) muahahah. Make me laugh non-stop. Hehe hope he don't mind, im only kidding and i don't mean it =P. Its weekend again and i have to really start studying for my term test. Its like next monday and i haven really start studying =(. Really need to mug for Econs, Csa and Ob or i'll fail like shit... So no weekends outing for me.. Will be staying at home studying.. Guai guai girl~