posted : Thursday, May 31, 2007
Yesterday night was chaotic. Chaotic as in the people there sucks. Uncivilised!!!! Went Mos yesterday night thinking that clubbing should be fun as its public holiday eve. HOWever i never thought that it will be so damn packed and slammed. Heard the quene for MOS reached the taxi stand. People just keep coming in non stop.. Even till 3.30pm i can still see people coming in, the recept area was packed with people the whole night. Smoove's door was closed and the only way to get to Smoove from trance is thru the ladies and only the ladies. So i can see a few guys walking thru the ladies into smoove. Its like soooo weird and impolite.. Its the ladies and why is guys doing in there? Argh. Luckily we went in early at 10pm when mos is still empty or else we gonna quene and squeeze. But at around 12-1am everyone have to squeeze, smoove is sooo damnnn slammmm. Don't even have space to dance lo!! People like pushing each other in the dance floor and its so irritating! I have to like keep scolding people(no choice). Moreover im not high so its like i felt worst. Thus in my conclusion, clubbing yesterday night was an error. I swear i'll not club on Public holiday eve anymore~ cause it sucks!!!! I hate being squeezed and pushed. Arghhhh chaotic night. Hmm or i can say its a sucky night. I should have stayed at home, at least its more comfortable!!! & I can imagine the situation in Phuture, its gonna be slam like fuck..