posted : Wednesday, June 06, 2007
Woohooo tomorrow is the last paper and its Basic Accounting!! My god how can such a wonderful thing happen to me?! Means tomorrow at 10am onwards is my holiday =). I must start planning my holidays! Where should i go and relax relax le? Go chill at one corner? Go sing at cheap cheap place? Or rot at home? Muvee muvee? Or Club -.-! Anyway fri is coming! I have been looking forward to this friday since last wednesday cause we planned to go MOS this friday. BUT..... Suai suai this friday MOS got event.. BOOHooOoo~ Actually there's nothing wrong with event, provided that the event doesn't affect the entrance fee ( it will be a gd event if the event allow free entries) BUT.. Fri event in MOS caused the entrance fees to increase to $23 for ladies w/ 1 drink ONLY! What Da Hell.. ! 1 drink?!!?? I'm not being cheapo la! ( or maybe i am)? But imagine.. 2 coupons for a jug of mixer (e.g coke, greentea, blah..) Means!!!!!!! $46 dollars for a jug of coke??!!?? Wah this jug of coke must be really tasty and healthy. Or a jug of Poka greentea T_T! Moreover Member can't sign guests in! How le, like that get membership for what? The worst thing is the event is errr foreign DJs going to MOS to spin (does it include smoove?) If not can member sign me in and i swear i will stay in smoove and not go to main arena O_O??! Boohoohoo!! Ok I know i have a choice, i can just go else where or just stay at home. But i like MOS =( other then MOS is Zouk? But phuture will be damn pack la.. I don't wanna go phuture to get squeeze or push around neither do i wanna rot at home and feed Mosquitos =(. Aiks~ Think i will just go MOS and see how.. No choice~ See if hazel friend can sign us in anot ba.. *sigh* Oh ya will be going MOS on sat too, for Cheryl's B day (eh not beyonce's B day *cold*) is Birthday! =)