posted : Monday, May 15, 2006
Friday night..
Went to Mdm Wong Party with Elizabeth, met up with huai qing and his fren's there, and met up with kelvin and his fren's there too! Didn't managed to sell 20 tickets, let Rendall down(haha)! The place was, hmm not bad? haha can make it, at least they got dance floor and quite a 'big' stage with 2 poles! Haha cool eh? Drank 2 juggies and a bottle of Chivas Regal with my friends.. I drink alot and get high very soon, even play 5 secs but Chivas is not very nice, i prefer martell!! Got high and drag birdie to the dancing stage, dance dance dance.. Music was good and DJ was cool. The DJ really make the crowd high, and DJ even joke with us and make us all happy laughing! But one sad thing is lights on at around 2.50am. Me and birdie was damn shock, we didn't expected it to end so soon, disappointed! But think Rendall feel worst, he only drink 3 vodlka rebina, and didn't really dance as he join the party late.. Poor Rendall, keep complaining! Staying overnight at Birdie house and both of us Slept till 3pm!!! Haha two pigs.. oink oink! Slack at her house the whole day, actually wanna go home but was really lazy and Birdies's mom want me to stay for another night.. Saturday night.. Actaully me and Birdie didn't really have fun on Friday night! So we plan to go again! We wanna go MOS but Birdie's Fren want us to go rush, because his friend still underage.. So we give up MOS and went to rush!(Forced) hahah didn't think rush is suitable for us! The crowd and the music.. So sneak out of Birdie house thru the window this time, scratched my thighs, red red pain pain! then reach at around 12am.. Theres quite alot of people in rush, but not very pack! So So.. This time we drank Martell, and according to Birdie both of us nearly finish a bottle! We drink alot alot alot!! Both of us very high, birdie say she nearly black out! Then when we high we wanna dance, BUT we realise something real shocking! The ppl on the dance floor is NOT dancing! They stand in the dance floor and is not moving at all.. Like statue or mammy! My god, both of us are SHOCKED! We don't understand why they are not moving since they are in the dance floor! We wait and observe for minutes but still no dancing! The music is real nice and the DJ is cute =D! So we think the problems lies with the crowd! At that moment we are high like crazy already so i just dragged birdie to the dance floor and dance! Hack care about the ppl and just dance like no body business.. Think we did attract 'ppl attentions' well just because we are different, different in the sense that we are dancing! Think only 2 or 3 people is dancing! ONLY! This is totally different from other clubs! Suddenly i miss MOS! Can't wait to go next week! MOS rockzzz!! At around 3.30am me and birdie went home, and i climb up the window (i think im damn good at climbing window) then i open the door for Birdie! we clean ourself and ready to sleep, but Birdie on her laptop ( i dunno for wad!) and she prank call Huai Qing and ask him to go toilet and pee! hah they he damn pek ceh! I hack care her and fall asleep, and till 20 minutes i ago i realise she tagged my blog when i fell asleep! haha silly girl! |