posted : Saturday, February 25, 2006
Yesterday alot of relationship(boy-girl) problems around me.. Just some simple relationship thingy, so me & my girls chat on the phone and chat about lots of stuff.. We are just wondering do men & women think alike? So today i was chatting with one of my net friend who happen to be a guy!
Chat Log I says: girls n guys think differently! N@rD0 says: ya N@rD0 says: girl think... N@rD0 says: stupid I says: No!!! N@rD0 says: boy thnk ... N@rD0 says: weird I says: No lo.. not true!! I says: girl think sensitively guys think logically girls think romantically guys think scientifically (wahah i feel so proud to say this four lines of words..its so true.. muaha) (Please tolerate with my over confidence.. i just think its so true!) N@rD0 says: ya N@rD0 says: this good wat I says: wahahaha... I says: i suddenly think of that I says: hmm shld post it online N@rD0 says: gal check the security guy make money gal making romance guy save the money (anyone understand?? can explain to me? i dun understand at all!!) N@rD0 says: prefect I says: ?_?" Wad u mean? N@rD0 says: like dat thing n dat thing lo (what thing?) I says: but i dun really understand I says: can explain? N@rD0 says: dirty la N@rD0 says: the dirty 1 I says: diao.. =_=" I says: think only guys will understand waht u trying to say N@rD0 says: = =\ ~End of Chat Log..~ The pink word is by me, Blue word is my fren. Then the black words with brackets is my additional comment! So.. i think its true.. guys think in a logically way and girls think in a emotional way.. I think girl really follow their heart and feelings.. They just treasure LOVE! But guys? hmm love or sex? Haha I was asking someone: " so do u think the body of a girl matters more or the look on her face matters more? " He say: Hmm eyes.. I: oh =_=" (Never ans my question).. But i still think the body of a women really matters alot to a guy! They ask alot from their women, but on the other hand, women never ask from a men as much as men do! Cause when a women love the men, she will see his bad points as a good point!! Women are just so sendimental, guys are just so... i dunno.. think i better not comment, there are different type of guys out there. Think every women have thier own thinking about men! |