The City That Never Sleeps
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posted : Tuesday, May 09, 2006
Slacking at home now... Last sunday is my first day working in tian hsien tuition center, but not as admin cause i haven been brief yet, so i help out with the desk work for a day! I've been scanning worksheets into the com for 8 hrs straight.. Scan till i am so sick of the sight and sound of the scanner! Get even frastrated is i see the scanner stuck! haa but well i got to sit and look at the scanner and earn money, so its easy but boring! Well wednesday i'll be going for admin job breifing, not sure how long it will take -.-! Yesterday night me and beth keep looking for ppl to go to Madam Wong's party, cause we're afraid there will be unsold tickets and have to ta' ourself (buy the tickets ourself).. Haaa me and beth search thru phone list and msn list and try to talk to everyone(including those we forgot or dun even know)! Just hope everthing goes smoothly, hee!