I'm bored, i can't get myself to start studying for my last two papers(of my poly life) and i had enough of facebook. So here I am, blogging again after 1/2 a year had passed.
It's the 5th day of CNY today and I'm at home trying to study, damn sad. Anyway my CNY resolution -.- is please please please get a bf sooooon! I put in a lot of effort by picking up one tao hua from elizabeth's house and keeping it in my bag! HAHAHA i'm crazy.

The pathetic little flower.
And so as I've mentioned, 6 months passed and lots of things happened.
Firstly, i'll be graduating really really soon (please no 4.1 for me). Actually school ended, my last two papers is next week and I haven decide what to do after I graduate! Should I continue to study or should I start working? Personally I prefer... to continue studying, so it will be SIM i guess. Local Uni? haha no way, my GPA is a total disaster.
Next I had a lot of fun for the past 6 months! In September i went for my internship at Seletar Airport (i hate it at first, because of the location) and had a lot of fun there! Fun as in i met nice people and had a lot of fun hanging out with them during work (: ! Here's some pics:

The really nice people!

Erina the girl who i'm happy to have with me during SIP!

&&&&&& we're lucky to have tixs to F1 as Seletar Aiport got complimentary tixs and its at the grandstand!

After SIP finally ended, Zoukout came along! I've been waiting for Zoukout 2009 for a year. & the price of the tixs for zoukout increased ): The 8 of us booked 2 rooms at Sentosa Spa resort for zoukout!

By the pool of the resort!

The night is still young (:

Lots of vodka Redbull

My fav: Tequila shots!

I'm wasted! The rest of the night is dancing and dancing!

After zoukout, I went Bangkok with Eli, Sh, Dap,vin,zx,pris & lip.