posted : Thursday, July 16, 2009
I should be less lazy!
I booked yoga for today at 10.30 and I woke up at 8.50am and getting ready to go out at 9.30am. At around 9.30 I almost finish packing my things and my laziness gets to me again. I was thinking, what if I don't go today? I can just go on Saturday instead, it makes no differences. But another side of me wants to go (its been 1 month since I go yoga. I wasted 2 months of yoga fee that is around 160 *2. Cause these two months I only went twice). Moreover I booked a slot at strips at 12pm, which is after yoga. Arghhhh.. So I struggled for the next 10mins. The hardworking side of me won. I left my house at 9.40am, but when I reach the bus stop at 9.45am the bus just left! So I struggled again, I know that I can't be late for yoga class and if I were to take the next bus, then I’ll be late (maybe). So in the end, I walked home. OMG I feel so sucky, like I’m a loser. I really need someone to keep pushing me to go yoga. I have no motivation at all. Especially when the yoga place is at raffles place! I take around 45-50 mins to reach there! Damn it. Life suck. |