posted : Sunday, July 26, 2009
Its been a long time since i really clubbed.
Last night at O bar was kinda fun. 2 Birthdays Went to 2 birthdays yesterday, one at Changi and the other one at O bar. Went to Yu feng house at changi to celebrate his 21st birthday, the catering is nice and i met alot of ex school mates. How nice. AND.. Yu Feng has a Husky! A real and nice Husky, whose ears are like triangles standing on its head. Husky is my favourite dog and i never touched one before. So i got really excited when i see his dog, but i'm a little scare too. Its like 2 years old, its big and beautiful in a scary way. Its facial expression seems so fierce, but actually it is very friendly and playful. Always want us to play with him, and always standing up and trying to grab us. Met up with deb at around 11 at O bar. Theres Nadia, Oscar, Yi fang & bf (kim hwee?), Pei Ying, Geraldine & bf (but they are always at dbl O), philis?,Eliz, deb and me~! We played games and drank lots of Vodka RedBull and Beer (i puked -.-). But poor deb got knocked out at around 1 plus. She drank quite alot with us when we are playing games, BUT the main culprit is Philis, Deb's bro. He buy her 4 tequila shots and 4 tequila pops, how deadly. Haha She seems fine after drinking every at one go, but after 15 mins. Everything is gone~ Down! Haha poor deb. So Nadia, Yi fang and Kim hwee sent her home at 1 plus and left the few of us behind ): But we had fun, we just continue drinking and dancing till 4 plus. I puked when i got home! and my mom says i smell like a bottle of Vodka when i got home. My poor sister just slept beside a bottle of Vodka, wow. When i woke up today at 12 plus, i start to think back about my clubbing life. I seriously miss JUDY! I miss the days when the two of us go clubbing alone, just the two of us. Although its only the two of us, its still lots of fun. I miss eating Pasta Mania while gossiping with her. I miss watching movie with her! I miss walking a long distance with her. Its really sad when i can't meet up with her due to our busy schedule ): I miss Matilda too. I missed talking to her, telling each other our deepest thoughts. Miss clubbing with her too.. Awwwwwwww i miss all my friends! And i miss Siew Lin very very much too. I'm so scared that i will lost a friend. A karaoke sis. Sigh. This post make me sad. |