I'm so happy! I've found back 3606 pics from my previous handphone's(N70) memory card!

A mixture of feelings came to me while i browse through all those old and precious pictures. The pictures help me recall many of my happy moments (Ppl don't take picture when they are feeling down). Looking at those pictures i got an urge to upload alllllll of it to facebook or upload all of them here. But i did't, it will take a long time! I miss 2006-2007! I miss MOS (my most visited place in year 2006-2007), I want MOS back ): Boo hooooo~
Actually i think i miss my youth more. I know i'm not that old to say i miss my youth, haha. But i miss the days when i feel so happy and young. I enjoyed myself so much back then. As compared to now, i was so much happier and i feel more carefree (: Sigh...
But I'm not that bad now, haha. Just that i'm more obedient! I stayed at home more and i enjoyed staying at home. I missed all my friends, i feel so down when i think about those friends that i seldom meet nowadays. Darlings like Judy, deb, cher, tay, Mat and more. I missed them so much! But luckily i met up with deb,cher and esmond yesterday~ It makes me feels better. I really miss the MDIS days ):
Anyway back to yesterday (: 25th March 09
Met up with them at around 7pm at Far east, walk around and ate chicken rice. After that we have some really nice dessert. Chit chat sessions! Got chased by far east security 3 times. Haha cause esmond keep smoking right outside the compound. Got home around 11plus. And esmond's driving sucks!