posted : Thursday, January 24, 2008
was a long and tired day for me. I fell asleep during POM lecture as i was tooo tired after a hot glass of milo and of cause partly due to the lecturer being sooooo boring. Finally school ends at 6.05pm and i have to rish to work at simei. I dont even have time to rest and catch my breath in between. Should start work around 6pm but i reach my workplace at 7pm and i have to eat my dinner in a rush. During work i saw my schedule for Feb and i only get to work 1 saturday, 1 sunday and 1 friday night. And to make it worst the sat and sun i cant work due to exams. Arghh so for the whole feb think i can only work on friday night. >< Friday night = $30.50! For the whole month i can only earn $30.50? Thats not even enough for my bus fare la! How to survive like that huh?!?! Now i seriously need to get another part time job or else i'll die from hunger T.T~ Anyone kind soul out there wanna support me and take care of my expenses?!? =x but well at least matilda is also looking for job hopefully we can work together ^_^ Today... Dressed in semi-formal to school for micro-econs presentation. From 11-1pm and slack in the lib after that to study to 4pm. I simply can't get anything into my head in the library. Feel so lazy to even look at my notes. Its feel with numbers and i hate numbers =x Its a short day today but a long day tomorrow >< Got Basic accounting 2 test at 7pm tomorrow, the perfect timing for dinner!! Arghhh, just dont understand why must accounting test always be at night. Its irritating. I would rather get it done once and for all, so i can get out of the school and not go back again after a few hours! Sick!!! ~I wanna be happy everyday~ |