posted : Friday, May 18, 2007
The word Fuck just keep appearing in my mind and i wanted so much to shout the word out~! I hate liar~ LIAR GOES TO HELL!! RAWR~ CHEATER ACCOMPANY THE LIAR TO HELL! WAHHH SUPER ANGRY! Today is such a fucking day! Emotions goes up , down and now is super down. Its like im happy, then im sad but now im ANGRY! I hate ppl who lie! I can forgive alot of things but i don't wanna forgive people who lie to me~ Cause they don't appreciate my trust! Im feeling damn fuck up. On my way home i can feel my fist clamp together real tightly! and IM SICK! My eyes is swallon, i got flu and gastric pain! Good timing man.. I hate 18th of may 2007. How i hope it never even happened!