posted : Wednesday, May 09, 2007
Today is a long day. Was in sch from 12noon all the way to 6pm! Err tutorials + lecture, Accounting is super boring la. 2 years never touch accounting and it got abit rusty already T_T
Was doing double entries question, about 20 plus questions only but i already suffered fromslight headache! Thx to accounting la! But still i like accounting =) muhaha.. Yea sch was quite fun, everything is cool and steady~ Can joke around with my classmates la. Was discussing about top & bottom today (single- gender relationship), it was kinda funny when they laugh so loud when i explain it to them. Hmm but they didn't know gays are the best people around! Well a long day of sch yet i don't feel tired =P cool right. Thx to my classmates la and of coz Matilda the smart girl who like to poke and beat people! LOLZz. Wanna try dota with Shem today (host a game of me & shem in a team & vs AI) but i don't even know how to start =(! Asked my bro for help he just ask me to figure it out myself (ass) but after my bro took over the game after like 10 secs! I haven even shoot anything la! wao lao! ANGRY!! Can't he just teach me how to play ?? Rawr! Say what 'regeneration' , i don't even understand! dumb, bleah!!! Eerrr i must learn DOTA!!! |