posted : Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Went Sentosa with my Powerhouse colleages and manger after gay night. Everyone was tired and sleepy but we still drag our feet to Sentosa. When we reach Palawan beach, the sleepiness was long gone. The fresh air blew all the tiring germs away.. We feel fresh, we change and buy lots of tibits at 7-eleven. Then Mr Aziz make us play games. First we played Soccer, 6 in a team (3 girls 3 guys) the rule is only the girls can score. I scored the first point =) Then the losing team have to get into the water as a punishment. hehe.. Then the game continued. I got into the water two times. After soccer, we played hide-and-seek. Nik and Elizabeth are the 'catches' we are ran to the opposite island to hide. After the game we are suppose to cross the brigde to go back to the main island. BUT some suggested we swim back. So a few of us swim, BUT again the problem is me, judy, janelle and emma don't know how to swim but we insist that we try to swim! Ridiculous right, haha
So ended up we swim one by one. Ivan piggy back judy and mario. yus piggy back Janelle. Mr Aziz piggy back me and Emma. After we all reach the main island we play Dodgeball. hhee very fun!! After playing we bath and head to VivoCity. Eat lunch and catch a movie (night at the Mueseum). Altho alot of us slept =P. We are sooo super tired. Image i haven slept for 30 hours!!! Reach home at 4pm. Slept from 5 pm (8/01) till 12noon (9/01) lol. Slept for so long yet still tired. The hours of sleep is to cover up from all the hrs of sleep i lost for working at Powerhouse. But still i love my job actually is i love my colleages!! They are the best =) Powerhouse! Wan Shui! |