posted : Saturday, May 12, 2007
Just got home from the chalet, it feels great after a nice shower =)!
The chalet is well not too bad. Got nice beehoon with nice hotdogs and tibits and of cause wines and chivas. Drink some wine and some Chivas on the rock. Play mahjong and Poker and slack? yean was slacking around or rather looking at the guys playing football games (playstation la).. Hmm nothing much actually, just that the chalet beside were a big bunch of Sec school kids playing weird games. E.g Forcing two guys to take off their top and wear some sexy *women's sleepwear and one of the guy even dare to put on a women's panties!! OMGosh, hilarious la! Was laughing like crazy and he actually dare to run about with the sleepwear and panties, & he ran damn far la. It may seem funny to the others, and it may seem that he is just being a joker.. But to me it seems that he actually want to wear those women's sexy sleepwear and the PANTIES~! Err sick, maybe there is a Her inside Him! Who knows right! Yawnz.. ok im going to finsh watching bleach ep125 before i go to sleep! Bleah rocks! |