posted : Tuesday, May 08, 2007
T_T so happy got people tag me in shoutout box~ *wahaha* I really hope to blog everyday, but really nothing to blog leh! Blog about life in poly? Eh like nothing interesting to blog about. Can't be compared to my chaotic life in 2006! First i withdraw from TPJC, then can't get into poly(crying almost everyday). Then got in MDIS with no other choices. Although im attending mdis's classes its still like im not a student. Skip classes almost everyday, although i work everyweek but life is so simple, everyday just laz at home and play game~ Or else go out with my frens to pool, movies, shop~ and worst Clubbing every single week! Spending $$ like water~ After i graduate from mdis, i find a full time job in a club (powerhouse) even worst! Working in a club, OMGOSH! NEver in my life i thought of working in a club but got pulled to interview by eliza. But well working there is soooo much fun, love it when i can dance while working, love it when i can drink while working, love it even more when i meet those lovey customer who force me to drink & dance with them on Sunday! Nv in other job i can experience that! Its a fun yet tiring job actually. But worth it. THo the pay sucks abit, and management err sucks abit! haha =X LOve clubbing with my fav colleages every thurs at DBL O & mos, they are such wild people. Flaming lambos tray by tray! Love them lots. Hope to meet them soon! BUTTT... i can't go back to st james for 6 months, cause i quit without warning~ What the hell right! 6 months. haiz its damn irritating la! SIX MONTH LE! i also nv did anything wrong. Fu*k~ thats why i say mgnt sucks. =X Im gonna post up some photos i took when im working~ Eh photobucket got problem ba, load damn slow! diao. THink i post it in the next entry!