posted : Tuesday, December 12, 2006
My off day today =) but i feel bored. Just slacked at home. Damn! Tomorrow working at 10pm so can do my Graduation project, i have to be quick or else i won't be able to hand in on time. Die ah.
Tomorrow Powerhouse will open its main arena (aka dance floor) its a trial tomorrow to see if the staff and place can carry out the job smoothly. Thursday is the private launch of Powerhouse, people will get invitation think around 500 pax. Friday is the public launch think full house? like 1000 pax =.='' think we will go crazy!! But hope it will be fun. Saturday got Safra (army guys) 1000pax. lol me & Judy are like: muhahaha (evil laughters). Sunday is woohoooo Gay night! I'm so looking forward, I heard they are really nice people and they are good looking people =) so hope Sunday everything is good!! Looking forward to work =) |