The City That Never Sleeps
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posted : Sunday, May 28, 2006
MOS yesterday night...
Fun night out, with birdie and other friends...
Open two bottle of martell.. but didn't drink alot, i just vomitted.. Think because i didn't eat before i club! Dancing was fun, met this Australian born chinese..
I ask him: where are u from?
he said: Australia..
I ask again: where are u born in?
he replied: Australia..
I ask once more: Where are u originally from?????
He said Australia....
(i was thinking he is an asian!!! how can he be from Australia)
Then feeling peh ceh,
I asked again: Then where your parents born?
he replied: Hong Kong...
(Finally, all doubts cleared)
Hmm he's cute, boyish look, wahaha..
Anyway mos if fun but pack, full of people and i saw quite alot of indian...
think some like 30+ lo!! sick shit!