posted : Tuesday, December 05, 2006
Training from 2-4pm. Slacking training la. Slack all the way, lol. Got lots of new people report today. Got one guy is scholar, lol. He is in VJC waiting for A lvls result thus working full time. We saw his O lvl cert. 8 As!! 8 subjects all A la. Piang, so clever lo. He malaysian ah, come to singapore to study, cool eh. Anyway tomorrow Me and Judy will start to work on floor in PowerHouse. We are Excited + anxious. Worried too. But some boiler people will be in Powerhouse to help out too cause powerhouse servers went on course =P. Moreover tomorrow Powerhouse will be Jamed , slamed and packed cause its the opening of PowerHouse. Thus hope tomorrow everything will be fine and it will be a fun day of work and hope bonding is good too =)