posted : Tuesday, July 04, 2006
I feel cheated when i go to school today! I reached school at 12noon to meet my friends for project. Then proceed to class at 2pm. When once we are in the class he ask us to show him our group project one by one. But Deborah's thumb drive was with Ken and stupid ken didn't come to school because he went for a interview in Changi airport. -.- so we just tell Mr San that we have done our project but its with a group mate who is adsent and say we are happy with our project and need not his comment -.- i mean we say we will go to him if we need any advice. So we sat in the class from 2pm till 3pm doing nothing but chit chatting away. So we sign our attendance at 3pm and sneak out of the classroom. All of us got nothing on, and its too early so we went to play pool in Queenstown club. The environment is good and price is reasonable also. So the five of us (me, Deborah, Cheryl,Jonathan& Esmond) rent a table and play winner stay loser out. We play from around 3.15pm to 6.15pm. Esmond just keep winning and winning and winning. So he keep playing and playing and playing! Damn, it was fun overall. Too bad ken/alvin wasn't there haha!