Been so lazy these few days, so i didn't blog! Now im gonna update one entry that is full of pictures.
(08/06/06) ThursdayWas actually meeting beth that afternoon to get something, so we went orchard and stroll around.. Then we was chatting during dinner and the topic 'Club' just pop up. So Beth was feeling so desperate for Club, so Beth suggest we go 'Double O to drink and then go MOS to dance' since both club we got free entry! So Beth ask her stead along, the three of us went to club at around 12am.. As we all know Double O's drinks is cheap la! One jug $12! We in total we ordered and finished 6 jugs of Volka Orange( me & beth drank most of it)! After finishing 6 jugs my gastric pain came attcking me, so im in no mood to dance. & beth was damn drunk too! SO Beth's stead drag me and Beth home at around 2am. We end up drinking alot and never dance at all.. In the cab both of us sitting at the back and vomitting at the same time, i think if someone see it he/she will laugh like hell! HAha no girls each holding a plastic bag and vomitting! Damn funny la!
I slowly crawl back home and got nagged by mom but i forgot what she say caus eim damn drunk, cannot even stand and walk straight! After that i stayed in the toilet and vomitted for almost 2 hours before i fell asleep on the sofa of my living room.. After that night i got phobia of alcohol already, i hate the feeling of vomitting and the worst one is the feeling of my head spinning in 300km/hr!! Argh, hate it hate it!
Pictures taken in Double O

I look damn white and scary la! Drunk face! *shake head*

The evil alcohol!! HAte them!

I dunno why i took picture of my thighs!! *shake head once more*

ahh im trying to take the pic of beth lying on my thighs..

Oh my getting high already! Look at our face!

Getting worst! Bad facial expression yea?

Totally gone case!! *sigh*
(10/06/06) SaturdayWee its Tay's birthday! We will be meeting up for dinner!
So spend the whole morning and afternoon shifting and moving carboards and bed!
My mom wanna switch my bedroom with the computer room! And let my bro sleep in the com room, cause he ask for it! Well he love the computer more then anyone of us *sob sob*

He climb up the carboard and start acting retarded!

So i join him in action, but not by acting as a retard!

Acting nice! Hee
Meet up with Jo and Beth at Tamp platform and head to Orchard to get tay's present.
Buy her a pair of heals, one cake and treating her dinner! We ate Coca in taka. Nice nice! *Yum*
Then is cutting cake ceremony!!

What is jo trying to do?

yea tay is so happy!

Mango cake!

Jo & pohleng
After dinner, Jo went home *sad*. Tay, Wei jie, Beth & I went straight to DXO!

Went in at around 10pm, the England won the match! We ordered two jugs of Volka Rebina, and one Chivas bottle.. Tay was the first one down, she only drank Volka Rebina and two to three cups of chiva coke.. And she was dancing crazy in the dance floor, hitting my forehead twice, nose twice, chin once and stepon my toes twice -_-" *pain pain* And she keep hitting the other people in the dance floor also, then me and beth was going around saying 'Sorry sorry'. We have to help her to the toilet and vomit also. Weijie then drag her home at around 12am --", leaving me and beth in DXO! But well poor Tay, got serious hangover the next day also. So me and Beth take a rest near the bar counter, then suddenly one guy just drop down and sit on the floor just beside me! Both of us ask him if he needs help, so Beth get him ices and we give up the sit to him, and lent him our shoulder -_-" we are just so kind! *shake head*
Tay!The birthday girl who met with some alcohol problems!

Jeremy, the stranger who got so drunk that he dunno whats he doing!

Then we go dance for a while and saw someone!!!
Kelvin! Cannot recognise him at first but he can recognise the both of us!
HA we play Five Ten and continue drinking, kelvin keep making me lose and let me drink! Argh so sick, i got phobia remember!! Sucks! Then after that dance again! But all i can say is that night sucks! Not fun at all! What a boring night! Hate it!
Me & beth

Me and beth start posing since we are so bored!

Another one! hahaa
*THE END*______________________________