Mummy start her babysit job yesterday morning. So while i was sleeping she bring home a baby girl name Xin Yi. She's cute, just that her crys woke me up for two days! For two mornings, i can hear her cry, she is like an alarm -.- that wakes me up early in the morning *faint*. Argh actually she wakes my brother and sister up too*shake head*.. So everyone was awake early in the morning! And because i adore babies, i will go cuddle her once i wake up (when i still haven brush my teeth!HeeHee) But well think she just love me too much to care if i brush already or not.. Haaaa and as the elders child in the family *er humph* i have to help take care of her when mummy is busy! She love to cry, love to be hugged! So when we carry her around she will stop crying and smile*! Hee think the love i have for babies is decreasing more and more each day! Due to the noise pollution Xin Yi cause! -.- But well babies have the most Innocent and angel-like smile and laughter! So i still LOVE babies!!

She look so BLUR!! Arghhhhh

She don't give a damn about me taking her photos! Sobs

Ahh finally she posed for the camera! Future actress!

See back to normal... sian!
WEEKEND!!!! Im i rotting at home or what??
Any programme?? Well got 5 projects waiting for me to complete la!
And dateline is near too.. sian sian sian.........