My routine yesterday was just like last sat! Just that i wake up eariler at 6.30am to get ready for work.. And i go all the way to katong mall to work.. sian right! Actually i wanna rest this week and not go to club, firstly i wanna be a good girl and stay at home, secondly think i cannot drink too much alcohol, i need a rest! THEN, cheryl sms me in the afternon asking if i wanna join her for club in MOS! I was being tempt ok!!! I swear i got no intention to club! But since its the first time to go clubbing with my new mdis sister i shall go! Birdie going too ( my hardcore kaki for clubbing)! We all meet outside mos, actually cheryl ask one of her girlfriend name peggy and another bunch of guy friends. Then the guys open two martell in order for us to have free entry!! Yeah im so happy! Then we can drink the martell also, need not spend! We drink at
Main Arena (trance) cuz Smoove is too warm, we play five-ten and loser got forfeit, the forfeits are kissing the cheeks of opposite sex which is fine, cheryl's forfeit is kiss the ass la! ha she even kiss the wall! Then theres also forfeits like telling a guy i miss u, i need u, i wan u.. blah blah! Its fun, very fun! Then me & birdie go smoove to dance, then Birdie dance with her friend & i dance with her friend's friend name collin.. Dance for very long, dance until i'm tired! Then collin drive me home and sent me up to my door! So nice.. Hee i need not pay for entry, drinks and cab fare!! wahhah wad a nice night!! muahahhaahhaha yay and we took some pictures!! =D

Birdie, me & cher

birdie & me

birdie & me

cher & birdie



