posted : Friday, February 10, 2006
Counting down.. 3 hrs more to the release of the O level results..
I can feel Wings flattering vigourously in my stomach. Countless wings, countless pair of wings.. They are making so much noise, their flattering sound just can't stop, the noise makes my heart beats faster and faster finally its faster then how a heart shld beat! I try to cool down, but the more i wanna cool down the more horrible i feel. Now i can feel something crawling up my throat, its not one not two, its countless, i feel all of them fighting to squeeze up my throat.. Its as if in the next minute they will start to invade my mouth and crawl out of my mouth, i can feel their feelers, lots of feelers sticking out from my tightly shut mouth. Then slowly i feel flattering of wings in my mouth, the scratched my gums and cause lots of bleeding, they are all trying to get out of my mouth...The butterflies is driving me crazy! |