posted : Thursday, February 09, 2006
Slacking at home the whole morning, nothing much to do. Waiting for today to end and tomorrow to come.. Tomorrow is such an important day, its the release of O level's result. I don't dare to even think about tomorrow, I'm so worried, i regret not putting in more effort in preparing for O's.. Now all i can do is pray hard! Pray that i can stay strong tomorrow and don't faint in the school hall.. Hope that i will not cry too much that i cannot stop! But i know my friends will be there for me, we promise to support each other and be there for each other!
Even blogging about tomorrow make m hands icey cold.. My Dad, Mom and Andy want to accompany me tomorrow when i get my result, but i rejected them cause with them around i will feel worst! Just hope that god will be there for me! I pray.. |