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posted : Wednesday, February 08, 2006
The college Road Run + Visiting Miss Young (cg tutor of 06A05)
I stayed at Elizabeth house yesterday night just because of today's TPJC road run at East Coast park. The reason is simple, i want a free ride from Elizabeth's dad to East Coast park.. I don't want to go there by train or bus and i don't wanna trouble my dad.. Haha lousy excuse(truth is.. i went to Elizabeth house to play majong).

Ok back to the road run. Reach there at 7.15am and gather as a class. Before the race we all decided that we shall just jog a little and walk alot as we are all lazy to run.. And a more crazy idea is that each of us should roll pass the finishing line (Soh's idea).. (=_=")..But of coz some girls disagree cause rolling on the floor can hurt our 'humps' *o*..

Well after some planning and crapping, the race started and we start to jog but we(all the girls in the class) stopped after we ran for around 200m? We stopped to take picture, we are so cool, we can take pictures in the middle of a road run! After taking picture, we continue to jog and walk jog and walk, after finish running for 1.5km (the run is 3km) we started to walk really slowly.. We discuss about the rolling issue and think its not really nice. So we changed from ROLLing to ROWing! We decided to use the ice cream sticks we got to act as if we are rowing a boat! We stand in two row with Meiling leading as the drumer and start singing the song 'Row row row the boat...' Meiling even shouted 'ATTENTION' to get everyone's attention to see us row our imaginary boat pass the finishing line! And yes we catch everyone's attention and i think its so cool, we pass the finishing line with glory(such a united class ain't we?)!! HAha! After the run we start to take pictures again!

The guys in the class did well too. the came back as the last 100 guys.. And Bryan aka maria did even better, he came in as the last(with 9 other guys, passing the finishing line together). They came in last in the whole school.. Cool? He took 1H 20mins to complete the 4.8k run!!

THis is sure the best Road Run ever!!! 06A05 just rocks!!

After the run we walk all the way from East Coast to Tjc and took a bus to East Point. We bought sunflower for Miss young and bought tibits, can drinks.. Then we all changed into our home clothes and head to Miss Young house!! There are like 16 of us going to Miss young house.
We ate pizza and played lots of games and not forgetting to take pictures!! We played games like 'True or Dare', 'A First Impression Game', 'Poker cards game', line up a story about how Miss Young hurt her leg! We really have lots of fun there.. I'm sure everyone enjoy it! I really feel so fortunate to get into class 06A05, with 19 coolest chicks and hunks with a sweet Tutor!! I will not forget how i enjoy myself today and hope there will be outing and gathering organized!!