posted : Sunday, November 26, 2006
Its 1am, im still hanging around here despite that i have to wake up at 7 for work tomorrow! Just dont feel like sleeping or rather shutting down the com. Wake up at 1pm today and slack for the whole day. Playing with com and watching tv. Boring to stay at home and slack when im alone at home =(
Mommy and sis went back to malaysia. Left me, daddy and bro. Have to washthe dishes, their dirty clothes =( But i got work tomorrow, luckily its only from 8.30-1.30pm so cool. haha half a day work. (sort of wasting my time). I wanna find a job. A full time or temporary full time! But tutoring is fine too. hehe if elizabeth brother is willing to let me =) I got lots of stuff to buy.. Buy this, buy that. LOl i wanna shop till i drop!!! BUt when can i do that!!? MOney money please come!! haha |