Watched Step up on Thurs with elizabeth. Quite a nice movie give it 3.5/5. Moves are nice, Nora is gorgeous, Tyler is
HOT HOT HOT. Great body and features he have ('V') lovesss. hah after the movie me and elizabeth were bored so we headed to MOS.Even tho I'm are not dress for clubbing =(
Yea yea, i went to MOS on thurs night.. But its not really fun =( me&birdie went to drink in Double O first before we party at MOS. We drank 10 shots and a jug of Volka orange. Mos is so damn packed! The quenes are crazy, crowds were crazy and the temperate Sucks crazily. Sweat like hell when we are in the quene.
Lots of friends there. Different groups of friends,but didn't really see them inside LOL, cause its so damn crowded inside (i swear i will not go thurs events anymore, even tho its free)!! Drinking.. Dancing.. Camwhoring.. blahh blahh

Messy hair hah!
Today i went out with ah boy (my brother) lol..
We went to eat cafe cartel and watch Happy feet!
Happy feet: A cute, nice, exciting, touching, sweet movie!
Go watch go watch. Its quite worth it! Give it 4/5.
Wanna see my pics? hahah U can skip it if u dont wish to =(

Yea yea, i know the camera gonna BOMB! lol its ok its my bro's phone.
Just like taking pictures =( which girl dont? its too much, its disgusting?
haha just post it up anyway!